Saturday, July 4, 2009


Happy 4th of July everyone! What a great chance to reflect on our freedom. I posted a discussion yesterday in a group of mine on facebook "What I have to say is important, public speaking made easy." It was about the freedom of speech and the chance we all have to have our messages heard. There is some good and some bad in this, we have to be careful who's message we're receiving and one I struggle with is keeping our messages consistent. Lately a few people have told me I'm 'all over the place' which I already knew... for me, I do get easily engaged in new and exciting material. But is that such a bad thing?

This blog is called Dreamosity for a reason. It's a term that combines the words: Dream, Curiosity, and Generosity. For me, I value all of these very strongly and I don't expect everyone else to, but as an American I have the freedom to do so. Just like you, have the freedom to blog about whatever you wish. I think it's wonderful really.

This definition of freedom of speech is found at
"Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to denote not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used."

My encouragement to you is to go out there, learn, be curious, be an adventurer, be generous, have the courage to live your dreams. When someone tries to steal your dreams, tell them to back off, it's your First Amendment right to engage and speak about the ideas that interest you.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Abundance Game

The game Abundance is to help people see how their energy, their attitude, their self talk really plays into the board game, and the game of life. The basic theory is that is we strive for goodness, truth and what’s right, we’ll attract all sorts of good things into our life, from love, to a great new business venture or a profitable real estate deal. When we energetically come from negative frustration, spite and are full of complaints, we attract all sorts of problems, shady deals and uncomfortable situations in our life.

It’s been fun to share this game with friends over the last few months. No matter when I play, the game always teaches me, mostly reminds me how powerful my attitude is. Am I being fearful, or full of faith? Am I more focused on myself, or on the team? Are my daily choices drawing me closer to success, or pulling me away?

Some of the cards are quite challenging for some players while others have an optimistic view on everything so they just ease by winning the game effortlessly. I’ve noticed some days I play with such ease & confidence, and I win and other days I go round and round frustrated with myself & the results I experience in the game. The results are suggested to be due to our what the creator of the game calls ‘potential energy’ – our attitude, or our frequency we’re operating at.

This really is a game you must experience for yourself – email me if you’d like to set up a time to play or check us out on Facebook “The Abundance Game – SF Bay Area.”

Questions I know the answer to, yet the game illustrates so powerfully:

If you knew that the choices you made every morning were going to effect your bottom line at the end of the day, would you choose what would make you more profitable?

If you knew your lifestyle habits of exercising regularly would help you live 10 years longer to spend more time with your grandkids, would you keep up your good habits?

If you knew being loyal to your partner would give you a 50 year anniversary to celebrate with hundreds of your closes friends, would you be pure and tell the truth?

If you knew that people out there on Facebook could benefit from your message, would you share it?

If you knew that lying weeks before might make your next real estate deal go sour, would you still do it?

This game has been very challenging for me… as I face my day, I understand the logic behind the game, of right and wrong, good and evil… yet I often choose to skip my workouts or tell a white lie. Harmless… or is it?

The game, when played consistently will help you keep your dreams in alignment with your values. I suggest this game for parents, teachers and anyone in a leadership role who wants to build a powerful positive team of movers & shakers.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Season Givings... If generosity had no budget

Dreamiosity is a name that came to me many months ago when I was deeply inspired. Tonight I find myself there again, wanting to give more than I have, more questions than I can answer and a Dream I want to see happen. The term combines Dream + Curiosity + Generosity. Ultimately I would like to encourage students entering the work force to dream of what they can give. Most set foot into the real world with hopes of their own home and a new car, you know, the American dream. Please, share with me where I may be wrong.

We really are a people of power, creativity, generosity. What would happen to our economy if people began to give what they have? To dream from the perspective of I want to make x amount so I can give 90% back? So instead of a goal to make 80K a year, it was a goal to make 300K and give back 220K? Or instead of wanting to get a new car for Christmas, we dreamed of giving 5 bikes to deserving students? Who are those 5 deserving students, what are their names?

I remember a favorite book of mine called "The Five Love Languges" where the author maps out five main types of giving and recieving love. Some people love giving gifts, these are the people that I initially want to speak too, giving in tangible terms. Although, they other 4 ways can lead to giving as well (time, touch, words of affirmation and service).

Wouldn't it be crazy cool to have a website/blog where you were the gift giving expert? I think I would like to create that. Through what I know in NLP and the five love languages, and people in general, I think I could be that person.

So for Christmas this year. What will you give? A boring gift card because you've lost touch with your friends tastes and preferences... or the perect giftcard because you can give them the freedom to choose. What will you give? If money were no option, what would you buy for your Mother? Father? Sweetheart? The little lady down the block? If time were no option, what would you create for your best friend? What would you give to the people at the check out line at your favorite store? The barista behind the counter? Who will you give to? Who would love to hear from you this year with a special holiday letter?

Imagine if generosity had no budget.

Imagine if creativity had no time limit.

Imagine if you only had love to give, how would it appear?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This video moves me to serve

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cash Flow fun

So I'm really excited to be a part of a community where we host Cash Flow games. The game is pretty pricy at $250 per game board and we're allowing people in for no charge.

It's an incredible game which increases your financial literacy just by playing. It's similar to Monopoly and on steroids! You have to manage your financial statements and that gets people tweaked out, but once they learn how, it's so empowering. For me, I've played over a dozen times and I've been able to apply my learnings immediately.

I've got two games this week - Friday night date night and Saturday evening as well. It's going to be incredible. My intention is to be of service, teaching and fun! To love as I wish to be loved.

I'd love to experience other games of value like this. I know I'll play when the time is right.

Monday, October 13, 2008

First Blog

The intention of this blog will be to share my learnings, love, hopes, dreams, things I'm curious about and ways to be generous. Dreamosity was a term I created which combines *Dream+Curious+Generosity* and I want a place to continue my thoughts and ideas here.

I encourage feedback, comments or suggestions as I love to write about what others have interest in. Let me know where your blog is and I'll check you out too!

Love comes in layers,